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Farewell to Professor Lefebvre

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After several years in the Cadet School, Professor Michel Lefebvre began his studies at the RMA in 1977 with the 132nd Promotion Polytechnics. In 1982, he graduated and served two years in Germany as a logistician. Upon his return to Belgium, he became assistant at the Department of Chemistry. During his time as a repetitor, he obtained a PhD from the UCL. The professor also gained international experience in the USA and Japan. As a lecturer, his speciality soon became abundantly clear: energetic materials and all they entail. Given his deep involvement in the RMA and the international recognition of his research, promotions to professor and full professor soon followed. Finally, after years at the head of the Chemistry Department, Professor Lefebvre went into well-deserved emeritus status, but not without addressing the class one last time in the presence of numerous invited guests, including Rear Admiral Yves Dupont, School Commander of the Royal Military Academy.

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